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Google Wave : Revolution on The Web

Jun 3, 2009 , Posted by Unknown at 1:21 PM

Google has pronounced Google wave, that is believed to be new communication and cooperation platform causing radical changes on the web +.

What is Google Wave?

We can say wave is a mixture of e-mail (gmail) and instant messaging softwares (gtalk). For making it more understandable, we can add igoogle and google gadget to this mixture.

Developed by Google's Australia Sydney office, three workers named Lars Rasmussen, Jens Rasmussen and Stephanie Hannon, google wave is not ready yet. However it is stated that it can be used in this year. You can send your e-maill adress to this form and get uptades about google wave.
Additionally wave needs html 5 support.

Making a group with your friends in google contacts and studying a subject is called wave on google wave. You can create many waves.

Wave's Features

Every wave means communication or sharing documents: Users will be on contact with each other and study on many different subjects on a shared place including texts, graphics, videos, maps and much more.

Every wave can be reached from everywhere: Wave's participants will be able to share their contributions (ideas/files) instantly.

Every wave will be live: Sharings will be real-time.

And if you want, you can publish your waves with embedding to your site or your blog.

Ready waves are called wave gadgets. You can add them to google wave and use as a normal wave. (Like iGoogle gadgets) For example there are waves that contains games.

Google search bots can index wave pages by the way.

There are also extensions called wave robots that are run like instant messaging bots.

Interface of Google Wave

On the left there is a sidebar. Above that navigation, at below google contacts.

In the middle of the screen there is an inbox containing your waves. ( looks similar to gmail inbox here) When clicked on a wave, at right the wave can be seen in details. ( Can be also seen others' messages and can reply them. If they are online you are able to have instant chat also) Besides you can edit your wave and add text, pictures,videos etc.

If you want to add a friend to your wave, just drag-and-drop from the contact list. Furthermore, with "playback" button, you can see your friends' conversations and operations chronologically on clicked waves.

Looks fantastic, ha? :)

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